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The Evolving Role of Lung Function Interpretation: Clinical Implications of the new ERS/ATS Standards in Asthma Care

García-Rio F1,2,3

1Servicio de Neumología, Hospital Universiario La Paz-IdiPAZ.
2CIBER de Enfermedades Respiratorias (CIBERES).
3Departamento de Medicina, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Madrid, Spain.

J Investig Allergol Clin Immunol 2025; Vol. 35(2)
doi: 10.18176/jiaci.1084

Asthma remains a significant public health challenge, requiring precise diagnostic and management strategies. Pulmonary function tests (PFTs) are essential in assessing disease severity, guiding treatment decisions, and monitoring disease progression. The 2022 ERS/ATS technical standards introduced critical updates to enhance the accuracy and standardization of pulmonary function interpretation. These modifications include the adoption of Global Lung Initiative (GLI) reference values, the transition from race-based to race-neutral equations, the replacement of percent-predicted values with z-scores, and a redefinition of bronchodilator responsiveness criteria. Additionally, new spirometric patterns such as dysanaptic impairment and preserved ratio impaired spirometry (PRISm) have been recognized, improving the detection and characterization of airflow limitation. These updates significantly impact asthma management by refining disease phenotyping, improving diagnostic precision, and guiding more personalized treatment strategies. Furthermore, advancements in artificial intelligence are expected to enhance predictive analytics and early intervention strategies in pulmonary function assessment. However, challenges remain in the clinical adoption of these modifications, particularly regarding the classification of disease severity and the impact of race-neutral equations on diagnostic thresholds. Future research is necessary to validate the long-term implications of these changes on asthma outcomes. Clinicians must familiarize themselves with the evolving standards to optimize patient care and reduce health disparities. The 2022 ERS/ATS guidelines represent a substantial advancement in pulmonary function assessment, with the potential to improve both clinical decision-making and patient prognosis in asthma management.

Key words: Asthma, Lung Function, Spirometry, Reference Equations, Guidelines