The effectiveness of
corticosteroids in
chronic urticaria
(CU) is widely
accepted although
large studies on
their use in this
disease are lacking.
Objective: To
assess the
proportion of
patients with
CU that respond to a
course of
Methods: We
studied 750 adult
patients with CU and
prescribed a course
of oral
(starting with
prednisone 25 mg/day
for 3 days) to those
who reported little
or partial response
to antihistamine
treatment. The
treatment was
considered effective
if it resulted in
long-term control of
the disease with
antihistamines only.
Patients showing a
temporary response
were offered a
second course of
prednisone, at the
end of which
temporary responders
and nonresponders
were offered
ciclosporin therapy
for 3 months.
Results: A
total of 660
patients (88%)
194/556) responded
to antihistamine
treatment. In 40/86
patients (47%),
prednisone induced
remission of the
disease and
subsequent control
with antihistamines
at licensed doses
only. Thirty-five
patients responded
well but relapsed
when prednisone
doses were tapered
or shortly after
withdrawal. In all
responders, the
effect was
appreciable as early
as the day after the
first 25 mg dose. In
8/23 temporary
responders, a second
course of prednisone
induced remission of
the disease; the
other 15 patients
responded well but
only temporarily.
A single short
course of prednisone
induced remission in
nearly 50% of
patients with CU,
and a second course
induced remission in
a further 9%. Less
than 15% of patients
did not respond at
all to this
Key words:
Chronic urticaria.