1Service dAnesthésie-Réanimation
Chirurgicale - Inserm U911, CHU de Nancy, Hôpital
Central, Nancy, France
2Département dAnesthésie-Réanimation, Hôpital Maison
Blanche, Reims, France
3Société Française dAnesthésie et de Réanimation,
Paris, France
4Department of Environmental Dermatology and Allergy,
University of Graz, Graz, Austria
5Department of ENT and Department of Pediatrics, AMC
Hospital, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
6Department of Dermatology and Allergology Biederstein,
Technische Universität München, Munich, Germany
7Allergy Department - Inserm U657, Hôpital Arnaud de
Villeneuve, University Hospital of Montpellier, France
*SFAR (Société Française dAnesthésie et de Réanimation)
and SFA (Société Française dAllergologie) with the
following additional members in the working group: F
Bérard, M Bruyere, I Constant, B Debaene, M Drouet, C
Karila, F Lavaud, C Lejus, D Longrois, MM Lucas, A
Magnan, DA Moneret-Vautrin, C Mouton, B Plaud, and C
**ENDA (European Network for Drug Allergy) and the EAACI
interest group on drug hypersensitivity with the
following additional members: S Bavbek (Turkey), B Bilo
(Italy), PJ Bousquet (France), J Cernadas (Portugal), LH
Garvey (Denmark), H Gooi (UK), E Gomes (Portugal), ML
Kowalski (Poland), V Kvedariene (Lithuania), H Mosbech,
WJ Pichler (Switzerland), A Romano (Italy), R Sargur
(UK), M Sanz (Spain), F Saretta (Italy), and A Trautman
(Germany). |