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Original Article


Epidemiology of Cypress Pollen Allergy in Montpellier


D Caimmi,1,2 R Raschetti,1,2 P Pons,1 H Dhivert-Donnadieu,1 PJ Bousquet,1 J Bousquet,1 P Demoly1

1Département de Pneumologie, Hôpital Arnaud de Villeneuve and INSERM U657, University Hospital of Montpellier, Montpellier, France
2Paediatric Clinic, Fondazione IRCCS Policlinico San Matteo, University Hospital of Pavia, Pavia, Italy

J Investig Allergol Clin Immunol 2012; Vol. 22(4): 280-285



Background: Cupressaceae pollen allergy is a worldwide winter pollinosis. Exposure to cypress pollen has increased enormously during recent decades, and cypress pollen allergy has become a major health problem, especially in Mediterranean countries.

Objectives: We aimed to evaluate the prevalence of cypress pollen sensitization and allergy in the Montpellier area and the symptoms presented by sensitized patients.

Methods: We included all 6185 consecutive patients who were referred to our center for any allergic disorder during a 36-month period. For each patient, we evaluated skin prick test results, allergy symptoms, pulmonary function test results, and the need for allergen immunotherapy.

Results: We found that 20.7% of patients were sensitized to cypress pollen and 46.4% presented symptoms during the pollen season. The main symptoms were rhinoconjunctivitis and asthma. Oral allergy syndrome to peach was detected in 4% of sensitized and symptomatic patients. Allergen immunotherapy was necessary to control symptoms in 57.9% of cases.

Conclusions: Cypress pollen allergy is one of the leading causes of respiratory allergy in the Montpellier area. Symptoms are often severe and include pollen-induced asthma. Moreover, many patients need allergen immunotherapy in order to achieve better control of their symptoms.

Key words: Allergy. Cypress. Epidemiology. Pollen. Sensitization.