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Allergy to Spathiphyllum wallisii, an Indoor Allergen

Herrera-Lasso Regás V1, Dalmau Duch G1, Gázquez García V1, Pineda De La Losa F2, Castillo Fernández M2, Garnica Velandia D1, Gaig Jané P1

1Allergy Department, University Hospital Joan XXIII, Tarragona, Spain; Pere Virgili Health Research Institute (IISPV)
2Diater Laboratory, Madrid, Spain

J Investig Allergol Clin Immunol 2019; Vol 29(6) : 453-454
doi: 10.18176/jiaci.0419

Key words: Spathiphyllum wallisii, Respiratory allergy, Indoor allergen, Rhinitis, Asthma