J Investig Allergol Clin Immunol 2019; Vol. 29(5): 403-404
© 2019 Esmon Publicidad
doi: 10.18176/jiaci.0428
Acute Generalized Pustular Bacterid: An Uncommon Dermatosis That Commonly Presents With Acral Pustules
Manuscript received March 18, 2019; accepted for
publication June 21, 2019.
Cheng Tan
Department of Dermatology, Affiliated hospital of Nanjing
University of Chinese Medicine
155 Hanzhong Road, Nanjing, China, 210029
tancheng@yeah.netinfection (eg, tonsils, gums, sinuses, vagina), and clearance of
the pustules by eradication of the infection [2,4]. The triad of
sudden onset of the disease, acral distribution of the pustules,
and concomitant sore throat with high fever in the case we
report was consistent with AGPB. The differential diagnosis
forAGPB is exhaustive and includes pustular psoriasis,AGEP,
palmoplantar pustulosis (PPP), and dermatophytid reaction
(Supplementary Material). Unlike patients with AGPB, most
patients with pustular psoriasis have a relapsing course with
Munro microabscesses and psoriasiform acanthosis, which are
diagnostic. The patient withAGEPusually has a history of drug
intake, and the pustules are tiny and mostly affect the inguinal
folds or other intertriginous areas [5]. All these features are
sufficient to confirm AGPB. PPP is a recalcitrant recurrent
afebrile pustular dermatosis. In contrast to AGPB, the typical
PPP pustule is confined to the palms and the soles. Although
similar pustules present in dermatophytid reaction, they take
the form of generalized eczematous eruptions caused by remote
localized infection by tinea or staphylococcal colonization,
which can be excluded in the case we report.
Many factors contribute to the formation of pustules in
AGPB. Onset is usually shortly after a focal infection such as
pharyngitis or tonsillitis by group A β-hemolytic streptococci
or other bacteria [4,6]. It is speculated that superantigens and
toxins from the bacteria upregulate the expression of tumor
necrosis factor α and interferon γ, leading to activation of the
complement C3 and C5a cascade. Complement C5a has been
proven to be an attractant for neutrophil accumulation in the
epidermis and results in pustular eruptions.
There is a proven causative relationship between AGPB
and focal bacterial infections, and AGPB usually follows
a focal bacterial infection. Clinicians should consider this
diagnosis in individuals with sudden onset of acral pustular
eruptions. Recognizing and eradicating focal infections are
the most important steps in the management of AGPB and can
reduce misuse and overuse of antibiotics. Pustules in AGPB
usually resolve spontaneously in 7-14 days without relapse;
therefore, most authors agree that aggressive treatment is
unnecessary [4]. Antibiotics are still one of the mainstays
of treatment and improve outcomes in those who have
previously been infected or who could develop complications
of glomerulonephritis and reactive arthritis [4]. The fact
that AGPB with tonsillitis is aggravated after tonsillectomy
indicates that eradication of the infection alone is not a
radical cure for some patients. Corticosteroids showed no
beneficial effect on the patient, although methotrexate and
group A streptococcal vaccination have proven effective in
some patients.
The authors declare that no funding was received for the
present study.
Conflicts of Interest
The authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest.
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