© 2019 Esmon Publicidad
Editors in Chief
A.G. Oehling, Servicio de Alergología, Clínica Rotger, C/ Santiago Rusiñol 3, E-07012 Palma de Mallorca, Spain
J.M. Olaguibel, Unidad deAsma Grave, Servicio deAlergología, Complejo Hospitalario de Navarra, C/Irunlarrea s/n,
E-31008 Pamplona, Spain (Tel. +34 948 255-400, Fax +34 948 296-500, E-mail
jiaci@unav.es)Associate Editors
I. Dávila, Hospital Clínico Universitario, Paseo San Vicente s/n, E-37007 Salamanca, Spain
P.M. Gamboa, Servicio deAlergología, Hospital de Cruces, Plaza de Cruces, s/n, E-48903 Baracaldo, Bizkaia, Spain
R. Lockey, University of South Florida College of Medicine, Division of Allergy and Immunology, VA Medical
Center, 13000 North 30th Street, Tampa, FL 33612, USA
V. del Pozo, Senior Research, Immunology IIS-FJD, Avda. Reyes Católicos 2, E-28040 Madrid, Spain
J. Sastre, Servicio de Alergia, Fundación Jiménez Díaz, Avda. Reyes Católicos 2, E-28040 Madrid, Spain
J.M. Zubeldia, Servicio deAlergología, Hospital G.U. Gregorio Marañón, C/ Dr. Esquerdo 46, E-28007 Madrid, Spain
Founding Editor
A.K. Oehling
, Department of Allergology and Clinical Immunology, Clínica Universidad de Navarra, Apartado
4209, E-31008 Pamplona, Spain
Editorial Assistant
G. Betelu, Department of Allergology and Clinical Immunology, Clínica Universidad de Navarra, Apartado
4209, E-31008 Pamplona, Spain (Tel. +34 948 255-400, Fax +34 948 296-500, E-mail
ESMON PUBLICIDAD, S.A., Balmes, 209, 3º 2ª, 08006 Barcelona, Spain, Tel. +34 932 159 034,
Fax +34 934 874 064, E-mail
esmon@esmon.esDepartment of Allergy, Clínica Universidad de Navarra, Pío XII, 36, 31008 Pamplona, Spain.
ESMON PUBLICIDAD, S.A., Balmes, 209, 3º 2ª, 08006 Barcelona, Spain, Tel. +34 932 159 034,
Fax +34 934 874 064, E-mail
ESMON PUBLICIDAD, S.A., Balmes, 209, 3º 2ª, 08006 Barcelona, Spain, Tel. +34 932 159 034,
Fax +34 934 874 064, E-mail
ISSN: 1018-9068 - D.L.: B-12845-1991
2019 Esmon Publicidad, S.A. The journal, as well as the individual contributions to it, are protected under
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Published in six issues per annual volume.
Annual subscription, Institutions: €255.00 / US$350.00. Annual subscription, Individuals: €180.00 /
US$235.00. Postage and handling: €25.00 / US$35.00. Single issue price: € 70.00 / US$95.00
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Journal of Investigational Allergology and Clinical Immunology is indexed/abstracted in Chemical Abstracts,
Current Biology, Current Contents – Clinical Medicine, Database Subidase, Excerpta Medica – Immunology,
Serology and Transplantation EMBASE, Index Medicus – Medline/Medlars, Pascal INIST, Science Citation Index
The Editors and the Editorial Board of this Journal are respectful of all scientific criteria; however, they do not
necessarily subscribe to the views expressed in all the articles published.
Editorial Board
WAberer, Graz, Austria
AAghamohammadi, Tehran, Iran
CAAkdis, Davos, Switzerland
I Asher, Auckland, New Zealand
D Barber, Madrid, Spain
M Blanca, Málaga, Spain
C Blanco Guerra, Madrid, Spain
MT Caballero, Madrid, Spain
MAZ Calderón, London, UK
B Cárdaba, Madrid, Spain
V Cardona, Barcelona, Spain
T Carrillo, Las Palmas de GC, Spain
M Castells, Boston, USA
T Chivato, Madrid, Spain
SH Cho, Chicago, USA
C Colás, Zaragoza, Spain
G D’Amato, Naples, Italy
B de la Hoz, Madrid, Spain
J Delgado, Sevilla, Spain
L Delgado, Porto, Portugal
P Demoly, Montpellier, France
SR Durham, London, UK
D Ebo, Antwerpen, Belgium
J Fernández Crespo, Madrid, Spain
E Fernández Ibáñez, Vitoria, Spain
M Fernández Rivas, Madrid, Spain
M Ferrer, Pamplona, Spain
TA Fleisher, Bethesda, USA
JA Fonseca, Porto, Portugal
A Fox, London, UK
B García, Pamplona, Spain
L García Marcos, Murcia, Spain
G Gastaminza, Pamplona, Spain
D Hernández, Valencia, Spain
MDP Ibáñez Sandín, Madrid, Spain
AP Kaplan, Charleston, USA
M Labrador, Barcelona, Spain
S Lau, Berlin, Germany
F Martínez, Tucson, USA
P Matricardi, Berlin, Germany
W Medrala, Wrocfaw, Poland
J Mohaapatra, Tampa, USA
C Moreno, Córdoba, Spain
R Muñoz, Barcelona, Spain
A Nieto García, Valencia, Spain
A Nowak-Wegrzyn, New York, USA
O Palomares, Madrid, Spain
N Papadopoulos, Athens, Greece
WJ Pichler, Bern, Switzerland
TAE Platts-Mills, Charlottesville, USA
L Prieto Andrés, Valencia, Spain
S Quirce, Madrid, Spain
JR Regueiro, Madrid, Spain
J Ring, Munich, Germany
S Roa, Pamplona, Spain
A Romano, Rome, Italy
M Sánchez Borges, Caracas, Venezuela
C Sanz, Salamanca, Spain
E. Seoane, Madrid, Spain
D Solé, Sao Paulo, Brazil
A Tabar, Pamplona, Spain
R Valenta, Vienna, Austria
AL Valero, Barcelona, Spain
C Vidal, La Coruña, Spain
L Vila, A Coruña, Spain