Cabrera M, et al.
J Investig Allergol Clin Immunol 2019; Vol. 29(5): 371-377
© 2019 Esmon Publicidad
doi: 10.18176/jiaci.0368
ozone is the closest variable in the 2009 graph and is associated
with PM10, yet has almost no relationship with temperature
(which is distant and almost perpendicular on the graph). The
relationship between temperature and pollution variables is
even higher than in the 1996 period (ozone [R=0.53] and PM10
[R=0.34], with a positive sign in both cases). The pollution
variables (ozone and PM10) are still only slightly associated
(R=0.06), although, here, the relationship is still positive.
We found a higher symptom score in the 2009 period,
despite lower pollen counts, than in the 1996 period. However,
it is important to remember that this was a year with lower
humidity, similar temperatures, and higher ozone levels (albeit
lower than threshold). Consquently, these factors may have
affected the longer duration and intensity of the grass pollen
season that year. The specific atmospheric conditions inMadrid
in spring, where marked instability leads pollen deposited on
the ground to be lifted, may also have contributed.
In southern Spain, the grass pollen season is now longer
as a result of rising temperatures [12]; the same is true for the
Oleaceae pollen season [13]. The increase in temperature in
this geographical area seems to have a positive effect on the
intensity of flowering, with longer pollination periods that are
often more intense. In this study, the main pollen season in 2009
was 13 days longer than in 1996. The grass pollen forecast in
Madrid is always announced by March. Rainfall fromOctober
1995 to March 1996 in Madrid was twice that of the previous
period (October 1994-March 1995), thus leading to a 4-fold
higher number of grains in 1996 than in 1995. Furthermore,
the Spanish Society of Allergy and Clinical Immunology
(SEAIC) estimated that the cumulative concentrations of grass
pollen counts in 2009 exceeded 5100 grains/m
, compared
with 4000 grains/m
recorded in 2008. Nevertheless, the lower
grass pollen counts collected in 2008 were probably due to the
cleaner rain effect observed in May, which coincided with the
peak grass pollen period (Figure 1), albeit in a more polluted
atmosphere and with more allergenic activity, as shown by the
higher seasonal allergic rhinitis score.
We suggest that this finding could be associated with
the coadjuvant effect of temperature and pollution (mainly
ozone), which generates more potent allergens, as well as
with the direct relationship between the greater level of atopy
in the 2009 group than in the 1996 group. Ozone increases
allergenicity (induces larger wheals and flares in skin prick
tests) [14], and exposure of
Phleum pratense
pollen to
increasing ozone concentrations (from 100 ppb up to 5 ppm)
results in a significant increase in naturally released pollen
cytoplasmic granules, which also contain allergens [15].
Pollution is a possible cause of oxidative stress, and this
stress is responsible for the higher prevalence of seasonal
allergic rhinitis, which intensifies in activity as a defense from
environmental pollution, thus strengthening allergenicity [16].
Pollutants such as SO
, NO
, and ozone can alter the allergenic
proteins of pollen [16,17].
Ozone is a pollutant that usually reaches higher values in
areas far from the sources of emission, that is, in semiurban
and rural areas. The atmospheric conditions present in heat
waves favor the formation of tropospheric ozone from
precursors [18]. During the summer, the excessively high
temperature in Madrid (higher than the threshold of 36.5ºC)
coincides with the days on which the population must be
warned about high concentrations of ozone (higher than
the threshold of 180 μg/m
) [18]. These thresholds were
not exceeded in 2009, although mean annual values tended
to increase [19]. In Madrid in 2017, the number of times the
ozone threshold was exceeded (>25 times) was recorded in
the 2011-2017 report [20]. As ozone is a secondary pollutant,
the measures adopted were aimed at reducing the emission of
precursors, mainly NOx and volatile organic compounds [18].
In a recent report from Ecologistas en Acción (2018), 2 of
the stations measured high ozone values in winter that were
similar to those recorded in spring in the same places (San
Agustín de Guadalix and Puerto de la Morcuera), namely, 70
and 80 µg/m
With regard to photochemical pollutants or the synergistic
effect of ultraviolet radiation on pollutants, study of the effects
of UV-B rays and ozone shows that the pollen tube was
shortened considerably, more than by the stress itself, despite
low levels of ozone [22].
Differences have been found in the allergenicity of pollens
from groups of trees of the same species and grass pollen,
which, although relatively close in terms of taxonomy, are
found in areas with different pollution levels (city/countryside)
and temperatures (valley/mountain) [23]. In Spain in 2002,
Armentia et al [23] reported that the grass pollen in rural
areas of the province of Valladolid was less damaged than the
same species in urban areas, where grass pollen is subject to
a polluted environment, repeated mowing that lets very few
spikes flourish, and pesticides applied by local authorities [23].
In 2007, Feo-Brito et al [24] reported that the air pollution
levels in Puertollano (high pollution levels) were associated
with a greater risk of asthma symptoms in pollen-allergic
asthmatic patients than in a similar group from Ciudad Real
(lower pollution levels) [24]. The largest contribution was
by ozone, especially in Puertollano [24]. In 2007 and 2010,
Mur Gimeno et al [25] and Feo-Brito et al [26] reported that
pollen-allergic asthmatics in Puertollano presented poorer
clinical progress and became decompensated earlier than those
from Ciudad Real, and that this could be due to air pollution.
Consequently, urbanization and high levels of vehicle
emissions induce more symptoms of bronchial obstruction (in
particular bronchial asthma) in people living in urban areas
than in those living in rural areas.
In the eastern United States and Europe, the highest
regional ozone levels are recorded when a slow-moving, high-
pressure system develops in summer. This is when the days are
longest, when solar radiation is most direct (the solar zenith
angle is lower), and air temperatures are high. As the slow-
moving air in the shallow boundary layer passes over major
metropolitan areas, precursor concentrations rise; as the air
slowly flows around the high-pressure system, photochemical
production of ozone occurs at peak rates [27]. We suggest that
high temperatures in Madrid, even with low levels of ozone
concentrations (which was higher 13 years later), could be a
factor that has contributed to the increase in symptoms even
at lower grass pollen counts in 2009 than in 1996.