J Investig Allergol Clin Immunol 2019; Vol. 29(5): 378-398
© 2019 Esmon Publicidad
Usefulness of the Basophil Activation Test in the
Diagnosis of Hypersensitivity to Amiodarone
Vílchez Sánchez F
, Lluch Bernal M
, González Muñoz M
Marques Mejías MA
, Quirce S
, Cabañas Moreno R
Department of Allergy, Hospital La Paz Institute for Health
Research (IdiPaz), Madrid, Spain
Department of Immunology, Hospital La Paz, Madrid, Spain
CIBER de Enfermedades Respiratorias, CIBERES, Madrid, Spain
J Investig Allergol Clin Immunol 2019; Vol. 29(5): 378-379
doi: 10.18176/jiaci.0404
Key words:
Amiodarone. Allergy. Immediate hypersensitivity. Basophil
activation test.
Palabras clave:
Alergia a amiodarona. Hipersensibilidad inmediata.Test
de activación de basófilos.
Amiodarone is a class III antiarrhythmic agent that
inhibits outward potassium channels. It also has class I
sodium channel–blocking effects, class II antiadrenergic
effects, and class IV calcium channel–blocking effects and is
widely prescribed owing to its efficacy in the management of
ventricular and supraventricular arrhythmia [1].
Although prolonged use of amiodarone may cause
numerous adverse effects (affecting the thyroid gland, liver,
lungs, eyes, and skin), hypersensitivity reactions to amiodarone
are rare. Moreover, few case reports include a thorough allergy
work-up (anaphylaxis confirmed with determination of mast
cell tryptase levels and skin testing [2], angioedema confirmed
with positive oral challenge results [3,4], and amiodarone-
induced hypersensitivity pneumonitis confirmed with positive
results in skin testing and basophil degranulation tests [5]).
We report the first 2 cases of immediate amiodarone
hypersensitivity reaction with a positive basophil activation
test (BAT) result. An anaphylactic reaction was recorded
in 1 of the cases.
A48-year-old man was referred to our allergy department
after experiencing an anaphylactic reaction in the operating
room. An intravenous injection of amiodarone (50 mg) to treat
atrial fibrillation was followed immediately by a decrease in
blood pressure (60/40 mmHg), oxygen desaturation (<90%),
and rash all over his body. The patient had also received
treatment with etomidate, fentanyl, and rocuronium to induce
anesthesia for cholecystectomy.
He was treated with methylprednisolone 100 mg,
hydrocortisone 100 mg, and infusion of noradrenaline at
30 mL/h. The symptoms of anaphylaxis resolved gradually.
Tryptase levels were as follows: 4.79 µg/L when the
anaphylaxis occurred, 4.6 µg/L 2 hours later, and 1.47 µg/L
on the following day.
The medical history revealed dilated cardiomyopathy,
hypothyroidism, and permanent atrial fibrillation. Nevertheless,
the patient had no history of allergy. Negative results were
recorded in the skin prick test with an anaphylaxis panel
(including latex, panallergens, and the most allergenic food)
and prick and intradermal tests with etomidate, fentanyl, and
In an attempt to clarify the underlying mechanism and the
culprit agent, BATwas performed with etomidate (1-100 µg/mL),
fentanyl (1-100 µg/mL), rocuronium (5-500 µg/mL), and
amiodarone before skin tests for safety reasons owing to the
severity of the initial reaction.
The BAT methodology is detailed elsewhere [6-8].
Briefly, 100 µL of heparinized blood was incubated with
20 µL of intravenous amiodarone (0.2, 0.1, and 0.01 μg/mL)
for 15 minutes at 37ºC. Negative and positive controls were
included by incubating the blood without the drug and with
20 μL (10 mg/mL) of anti-IgE (BD Bioscience), respectively.
Basophil activation was determined by CD63 upregulation
using flow cytometry (FACSCanto II, BD Bioscience) for
the identification and quantification of alterations in specific
activation markers on the basophil surface membrane (using
CD63/CD123/Anti-HLA-DR, BD Bioscience). At least
400 basophils were acquired. The results are expressed as the
percentage of CD63-positive basophils and the stimulation
index (SI, that is, the ratio of the percentage of activated
basophils after stimulation to the percentage of activated
basophils in negative controls). The result is considered
positive when the percentage of basophils activated after
stimulation with the drugs was 5% or more and the SI >3 [7].
BAT was positive with intravenous amiodarone (37%
activation) (Figure), with an SI of 5.11 at an amiodarone
concentration of 0.1 mg/mL (SI of 1 in the control) and 13.6
Basophil activation with intravenous amiodarone. Bars represent
the percentage of CD63-positive basophils after incubation with
amiodarone (0.2, 0.1, and 0.01 mg/mL).
Patient 1
Patient 3
Basophil Activation, %
0.2 mg/mL
0.1 mg/mL
0.01 mg/mL