Neuropathic Pain/Itch in Allergic Conjunctivitis
J Investig Allergol Clin Immunol 2019; Vol. 29(5): 349-356
© 2019 Esmon Publicidad
doi: 10.18176/jiaci.0320
Arecent hypothesis has implicated neuronal inflammation
as a novel mechanism in the pathogenesis of allergy. Several
allergy symptoms, including rhinorrhea, nasal congestion,
and cough, are a direct consequence of nervous system
alterations [1]. Allergic inflammation can trigger complex
neurogenic signaling mechanisms to manifest as neuropathic
itch. Neuropathic itch is a chronic condition caused by neuronal
dysregulation that typically presents with pruritus but can
also present with characteristic neuropathic pain symptoms
such as burning and stinging. This differentiates it from
classic itch in inflammatory skin diseases, as neuropathic
itch is often described as burning in quality. Although pain
is not typically considered a significant symptom in allergic
conditions, it is a common feature of allergic conjunctivitis
(AC). Sensations of irritation and pain of varying intensity
frequently accompany AC, including burning, dryness, and
grittiness. Neuronal mechanisms underlying these sensations
of irritation, discomfort, and itch have yet to be investigated.
Delineation of the molecular pathways underlying neuronal
inflammation inACmay play a key role in identifying potential
therapeutic targets.
A comprehensive literature review was performed using a
PubMed search with the following terms (in order of relevance):
allergic conjunctivitis, neurogenic inflammation, neuropathic
itch, neuropathic pain, substance P (SP), calcitonin-gene
related peptide (CGRP), nerve growth factor (NGF), transient
receptor potential vanilloid 1 (TRPV1), allergic rhinitis,
asthma, chronic cough,
. All searches were
conducted in English back to 2000. Articles were reviewed,
and those discussing clinical course, pathophysiology, and
neuronal regulation of ocular symptoms as related to chronic
allergic conjunctivitis were summarized.
Epidemiologic, Pathophysiologic, and
Clinical Aspects of AC
Prevalence and Impact
Epidemiological data on AC are scarce, likely due to
underdiagnosis and the fact that this disease is often linked
with allergic rhinitis (AR). It is estimated that 20% of the US
population reports ocular symptoms consistent with AC [2],
and approximately 70%-80% of seasonal AR patients have
severe ocular symptoms [3]. Ocular symptoms were as severe
or more severe than nasal symptoms in approximately 70% of
over 500 hay fever patients in one study [4]. In another recent
survey, over 50% of nasal allergy patients stated that AC
symptoms were moderately to extremely bothersome, and for
15% of these patients, the ocular component of their reactions
was the most troublesome [5]. The underlying mechanisms of
AC warrant further investigation.
SeasonalAC and perennialAC, which are themost common
forms and the benign end of the spectrum of ocular allergy,
are increasing in prevalence [6]. Vernal keratoconjunctivitis
and atopic keratoconjunctivitis represent only 2% of ocular
allergy cases, yet are even more severe and have a greater
impact on quality of life.
Since the discovery of 2 functionally distinct CD4
T-cell subpopulations (T
1 and T
2) about 30 years ago,
it quickly became evident that T
2 cells play a crucial role
in the development of allergic airway inflammation. It has
been commonly assumed that a T
2 immune response and
type I hypersensitivity form the basis of AC. The allergic
response is elicited by ocular exposure to an allergen, such
as pollen, that cross-links membrane-bound IgE and triggers
mast cell degranulation. This releases a cascade of mediators
including histamine, leukotrienes, proteases, prostaglandins,
and cytokines. The main contributors to the severity of AC
are thought to be the allergen load on the ocular surface and
locally produced specific IgE. Furthermore, there is a highly
significant correlation between the presence of allergen-
specific IgE in tears and ocular allergy symptoms [7]. This
continued histamine release, along with increasing allergen
load, leads to an expanding population of resident mast
cells in conjunctival tissue, thus perpetuating the allergic
response [8].
With seasonal AC, the immediate response is
predominantly mast cell–mediated. However, little is
known about the pathogenesis of the late phase allergic
reaction corresponding to the persistent clinical inflammation
that typifies ocular signs and symptoms in chronic
allergic diseases. Vernal keratoconjunctivitis and atopic
keratoconjunctivitis in particular are characterized by a
severe late-phase reaction comprising mucosal infiltration
by eosinophils, neutrophils, basophils, and T lymphocytes.
Mediators released by conjunctival mast cells during the
early-phase reactions also contribute to the development of
late-phase inflammation during IgE-mediated AC in vivo.
There is a general correlation between the degree of cellular
infiltration and the severity of disease. Moreover, products
from infiltrating cells are known to promote conjunctival
irritation. In addition, conjunctival and corneal epithelial
cells and fibroblasts mount the allergic response by producing
cytokines and other factors that maintain local inflammation
and lead to tissue remodeling.
Clinical Manifestations
Ocular symptoms of AC are frequently underreported.
The pathognomonic symptoms of ocular allergy include
itching, tearing, and conjunctival and eyelid swelling and
redness. These are reflected in the Total Ocular Symptom
Score questionnaire, which is used to measure symptoms
of AC. However, AC patients have multiple distinguishing
symptoms beyond itch including grittiness, burning
and stinging (65%), and soreness (75%) [9]. They may
also complain of a foreign body sensation, blurring, and
photophobia if there is corneal involvement. Conjunctival
hyperemia and papillae on the tarsal conjunctiva may
be observed on examination. Local symptoms are often