Neuropathic Pain/Itch in Allergic Conjunctivitis
J Investig Allergol Clin Immunol 2019; Vol. 29(5): 349-356
© 2019 Esmon Publicidad
doi: 10.18176/jiaci.0320
Inhalation of allergen also upregulates the expression
of genes involved in the production of substance P and
CGRP, both of which act as itch sensation–enhancing
neuropeptides [23,24]. Allergen exposure also enhances
the release of substance P and CGRP from sensory nerve
endings (antidromic pathway). Substance P and CGRP cause
antidromic stimulation of nociceptive fibers, which results in
C-fiber activation and synergistically augments the allergic
inflammatory reaction [24,25]. In 2017, Azimi et al [26]
described the role of substance P–mediated activation of MC
receptors in inducing itching in a mouse model.
Allergic reactions can also lead directly to the release
of neurotrophic factors, especially NGF, from mast cells
and other cells, such as the airway epithelium [27]. NGF
is a complex regulator of neural plasticity that further
sensitizes afferent nerves. It has been found in eosinophils
and peripheral nerves [25,28] and is upregulated by nasal
allergen provocation. Endogenous NGF levels are elevated not
only in certain chronic pain conditions, but NGF serum levels
have also been found to be increased in allergic diseases and
asthma [29], as well as in bronchioalveolar lavage and nasal
lavage fluids from these patients.
All of these factors further stimulate the vascular
endothelial cells or mast cells to release even more chemical
mediators such as histamine, thus producing a vicious circle
of disease exacerbation.
This concept of peripheral sensitization was supported
by a guinea pig model of AC, which demonstrated a reduced
threshold for activation of polymodal nociceptors, as well as an
augmented response to noxious chemical stimuli. The authors
suggested the operation of a comparable pathway in humans.
The overall changes in firing of corneal sensory fibers correlate
with the foreign body and itching sensations reported by AC
patients [30], thus suggesting a possible TRPV1-dependent
pathway in the sensitization stage. However, further studies
must be performed to confirm this finding.
The sensitization of sensory nerves results in augmented
pain sensations and may be responsible for the burning
quality of AC symptoms. Chronic inflammation may also
damage sensory nerve fibers of the ocular surface leading
to formation of neuromas that spontaneously discharge
and cause unpleasant sensations, such as pain, dryness, and
grittiness [16].
Central sensitization in allergic inflammation:
pain may also result from abnormal function of higher brain
structures, from where ocular trigeminal ganglion neurons
project. Amplification of responses occur in the central
nervous system through sensitization of central pathways,
failure of inhibitory control mechanisms, or both. Central
sensitization can cause secondary hyperalgesia and allodynia,
thus contributing to enhanced inflammatory pain.
Central neural mechanisms are also thought to be involved
in allergic inflammation. Extended exposure to allergen in a
primate model of allergic asthma causes phenotypic changes
in the intrinsic membrane properties of central nervous system
neurons, resulting in their increased excitability [31]. This is
analogous to the increased excitability of spinal neurons during
prolonged neuropathic or inflammatory pain.
Other consequences of central sensitization include
changes in autonomic nerve activity. Allergic inflammation
may enhance autonomic tone, which has been directly observed
in an allergen-sensitized guinea pig model [32].
Loss of inhibitory synaptic transmission (disinhibition) in
the spinal cord has also been attributed to both chronic pain
and chronic itch. This disinhibition of the central nervous
system and, therefore, hyperactivity of trigeminal nociceptive
pathways can produce a much more intense response to
Taken together, the evidence supports a model in which
allergic inflammation leads to the release of proinflammatory
mediators that sensitize trigeminal sensory neurons (and their
processes), resulting in a decreased pain/itch threshold. This
may manifest as neuropathic pain and itch. Therefore, there
is a putative positive feedback loop between allergic cells and
neuronal inflammation in the development and maintenance
of the pathophysiology of AC. These, in turn, modulate
ocular responses to allergic and nonallergic stimuli, thus
translating the degree of inflammation into severity of neural
Figure 2outlines neural involvement in allergic conjunctivitis.
Figure 2.
Schematic representation of neural sensitization in allergic conjunctivitis. AC indicates allergic conjunctivitis; TRPV, transient receptor potential
vanilloid; TRPA, transient receptor potential ankyrin; SP, substance P; CGRP, calcitonin gene-related peptide; NGF, nerve growth factor.
• Central sensitization
• Enhanced autonomic tone
• Disinhibition
Increased afferent excitability
Allergic conjunctivitis
Trigeminal ganglion
TRPV1/TRPA1 stimulation
NI/neuropathic pain of AC